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v4 Migration Guide

There a number of breaking changes in v4. This guide will help you migrate your code.

The biggest change is that SocketDB is now split into multiple packages. Most notably @socketdb/client and @socketdb/server.

All packages share the same version number. Make sure to keep all packages at the same major version.

The client has been moved into its own package

To upgrade the client, replace all imports from socketdb to @socketdb/client.

- import { SocketDBClient } from 'socketdb';
+ import { SocketDBClient } from '@socketdb/client';

The server has been moved into its own package

To upgrade the server, replace all imports from socketdb to @socketdb/server.

- import { SocketDBServer } from 'socketdb';
+ import { SocketDBServer } from '@socketdb/server';

Core functions are now located in the core package

If you have been using core functions, for example to create a custom store, you need to install the @socketdb/core package.

npm install @socketdb/core

Then replace the relevant imports from socketdb to @socketdb/core.

- import { createStore } from 'socketdb';
+ import { createStore } from '@socketdb/core';

Client and server cannot be updated independently to v4

You need to update both the client and the server at the same time. This is because of a change how socket events are handled.

All socket events are now batched 🎉

SocketDB now batches all events. This means that nested subscribe calls will now only send one event to the client. Previously, every nested subscribe call would send & receive its own event. This has been a major performance issue for larger collections.

// this will now only send a single event instead of an event for every todo item
db.get('todos').each((todoRef) => {
todoRef.on(({ title }) => {

If you've been avoiding nested subscribe calls, like each for performance reasons, you may now opt-in again to use nested subscribe calls for cleaner code.


Feel free to raise an issue if you face any performance problems with this.

- db.get('todos').on(todosObject => {
- Object.values(todosObject).forEach(({title}) => {
- console.log(title);
- });
- })
+ db.get('todos').each((todoRef) => {
+ todoRef.on(({ title }) => {
+ console.log(title);
+ });
+ });